Welcome back to Voodoo’s Basement lair. As always, the beer is in the cooler, there’s ice in the chest freezer, and the hard stuff us up on the shelf in the good crystal. Special this week, Champagne, because oh my Gods it’s been an amazing week for The Republic. While you’re sipping, feel free to fling a dart or two at the board, as I put special effort into making sure it’s regulation height and all that.
Ladies and Gents, the day we thought would never come…has arrived! The chickens have come home to roost! The man behind the curtain has been exposed! The worm has turned, and the squirrel and racoon have been avenged! That’s right! Call it what you want:
“The Day the Rocks Turned Over.”
“The Disclosure.”
“The Great ‘I told you so’”
“The American Squirrel Revival”
…but we DONE DID IT!
The masks have been ripped off! The dirt done been dug up! DOGE that adorable little scamp, has dug up so many scandals and crimes that there is no possible way to conceal them once more!
It’s still ongoing, but let’s take a moment to COUNT the pelts we’ve got nailed to the wall already:
One! One scandal! Ah Ah Ah! USAID has been exposed as the money laundry and influence market for the Deep State, and the DNC in particular, funding everything from Hamas to…
Two! Two scandals! Ah Ah Ah! The gain of function research in Wuhan! That’s RIGHT! USAID paid for the research that eventually led to the entire COVID pandemic! I don’t even KNOW what sort of international liability that exposes us to. I suppose we could turn to the media to find out but…
Three! Three Scandals! Ah Ah Ah! USAID was also funding Politico, The New York Times, The British Broadcasting Company, The Guardian, etc. In short, our federal government has been buying the loyalty of the so-called “Trusted Sources of Information,” and using them to…
Four! Four Scandals! Ah Ah Ah! Push outright propaganda against President Trump from the time he first became a candidate, suppress scandals against his political opponents and…
Five! Five scandals! Ah Ah Ah! *Insert sound of cracking thunder here* Also employed USAID to funnel money to various left-brownshirt organizations such as BLM, ANTIFA, and others to engage in outright intimidation, looting, rioting, other speech suppression activities, and perhaps even the two SEPARATE attempts on Trump’s life…and that’s just what we know so far!
Whatever other consequences may follow. One thing is certain. The gaslighting, the name-calling, the smug mockery, of the “flyover states,” the pretense that the American Public was just too simple to dare question “the man behind the curtain,” WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT FUCKING CUT IT ANY MORE, because…
Consider for a moment, and maybe light up a cigar to go with that glass of champagne, that had you even momentarily suggested that any of this was possible a month ago, even some of the most conservative among your friends might have told you to put away your tinfoil hat. I’m absolutely certain that members of my own family might have called local authorities to red flag my ass and have me locked away in the booby hatch! Let me be clear here. If someone had suggested to ME that the rabbit-hole went this far down, I MYSELF would have called them nuts…and yet here we are, jaws agape as DOGE is still digging with dogged determination and no indication that they’re even within a MILE of the bottom. As for the people who DID suspect all of this and more, from them there there can only be but one response.
Better still, it appears that the Keepers of the Swamp failed to comprehend the extent of the exposure until they had already initiated their attempt to manufacture some kind of outrage over the abrupt halt of their nepotistic, incestuous influence farm and money laundering operation, and have now exposed their complicity for all to observe! Kids, when the CNN panel is mocking your performance, you’re in a very bad spot. When you’re trying to brand Elon Musk as an un-elected despot, it’s not a good look to have recently anointed a Presidential candidate without a vote, used a doddering, senile old man as a puppet for four years, and appointed a “Gun Violence Czar” to direct health agencies to manufacture a “gun violence health crisis,” in the hopes of justifying unconstitutional restrictions on gun ownership.
But wait! There’s MORE! Many of these things may, in fact, constitute federal crimes, and Pam Bondi, the new Attorney General of the United States is only getting warmed up, having just created a task force to investigate the weaponization of the Department of Justice under Biden and under Obama before him, and has also stated her intention to fulfill Trump’s promise to publish the Epstein suspect list! Personally, I suspect that a number of people will choose to, as the Soviets used to say, “…save the People the embarrassment of a trial.”
And now, we’re into the Bonus Round! As a consequence of the lawsuit against the network responsible for Kamala Harris’ abysmal, and clearly re-edited interview, the FCC has obtained and released the raw footage. Ye GODS! The dumpster fire!
And now, I would like to make a brief statement to my friends and family who called me a “Conspiracy Nut,” a “Racist,” “Insurrection supporter,” and a number of other various epithets in their blind and vehement loyalty to this, now fully-exposed, edifice of filth, sedition, and no-bullshit insurrection:
Okay, it’s a little satisfying, but seriously. I never, ever wanted to be mistaken so badly in my entire life, but the tip of the iceberg WAS there for all to observe. However, considering the sheer, incomprehensible mass of the rest of the iceberg, I forgive you for being duped. After all, it appears that nearly every news outlet you mocked me for not heeding, was in the direct, if carefully hidden, employ of the regime you placed so much of your faith in.
I’m only grateful that my child will grow up in an America where he will look into his history book (if it’s even a book at all by then) and stare in disbelief at the scale of what we once endured, a world he scarcely remembers short of a time when he would pitch a fit if he didn’t have his Lightning McQueen face mask to go to the grocery store with me, or any other building outside of his home. I look forward with pride to the day he says to me, “You’re shitting me, Dad.” He will say so, because he will never really experience the full extent of what we endured, and will never experience, what we so narrowly avoided.
As much as I cautioned everyone not to spike the ball, mea culpa, I too have partaken in the mocking of the losers in this contest, but not out of mere cruelty or spite, but because, even now, after all that has been exposed, there are some who still defend the dumpster, even as the flames lick around them, and mockery is all we have left, now that truth and reason have proved to be of no avail.
Finally, regarding those who have finally come around to the sad realization that their golden calf is no god, and never was, I caution you to be kind to them, for their deity, The Holy, Righteous and Infallible State, has betrayed them in the open for all to see, and the last eight years of their lives have been nothing but a lie. The recovery period will be long and painful.
As always, keep your head on a swivel, your eyes open, your powder dry, and try, where possible, to be kinder than you have to be to everyone else out there in Internet Land. Your grandchildren may have cause to thank you one day.
p.s. Never forget that this bloodless revolution may all have hinged on one self-righteous Karen swatting an innocent squirrel and a raccoon.