Quite an eclectic post today, and full of interesting tidbits. I'll reserve my comments for only one item, however, the Aunt Jemima story. Once upon a time, it would have been--and actually was--perceived to be a typical "American success story," about someone from meager circumstances who made good as a result of an idea and hard work to promote it. Instead, the malcontents comprising the "postmodern" school of Derrida, Foucault, et al. and the DEI/critical race theorists it spawned told us it was a shameful thing and demanded we flush it down the memory hole. In typical fashion, these ingrates (whom we formerly characterized as "dirty commies"--and rightfully so) turned the story upside down and inside out, "deconstructed" it and reversed its true meaning so it conformed to their preferred narrative of "RAAAAAACIST!" in order to beat us normies over the head until we agreed. And we took it, for a while. But thank God, no longer! Let us hope that the scales, having now fallen from our eyes, are never again allowed to form and distort our perception of the world as it truly is. Your efforts, and others like you, are vital in this crusade for truth. Thanks you and keep up the good fight.
Quite an eclectic post today, and full of interesting tidbits. I'll reserve my comments for only one item, however, the Aunt Jemima story. Once upon a time, it would have been--and actually was--perceived to be a typical "American success story," about someone from meager circumstances who made good as a result of an idea and hard work to promote it. Instead, the malcontents comprising the "postmodern" school of Derrida, Foucault, et al. and the DEI/critical race theorists it spawned told us it was a shameful thing and demanded we flush it down the memory hole. In typical fashion, these ingrates (whom we formerly characterized as "dirty commies"--and rightfully so) turned the story upside down and inside out, "deconstructed" it and reversed its true meaning so it conformed to their preferred narrative of "RAAAAAACIST!" in order to beat us normies over the head until we agreed. And we took it, for a while. But thank God, no longer! Let us hope that the scales, having now fallen from our eyes, are never again allowed to form and distort our perception of the world as it truly is. Your efforts, and others like you, are vital in this crusade for truth. Thanks you and keep up the good fight.